21 facts about me on my 21st birthday


Hello blog 🙂 How are you? Today is my 21st birthday and I can’t believe how fast this year has gone by or that I am. Last year I wrote  20 lessons I’ve learned in 20 years and so this year and every year from now I want to do something of the same respect. I hope you guys enjoy ❤

1.  I think I was a mermaid in a past life because of how I swim

2. I’ve met Tana Mongeau (one of my favorite Youtubers)


3. I love lemons

4. Everyone in my immediate family and I like reading

5. I enjoy nightmares

6. I have 11 piercings and 3 tattoos

7. I really enjoy sleep early and for a full night

8. If I was a Powerpuff girl I’d be Buttercup

9. I’m scared of moths and think they are paranormal because they come out of nowhere

10. I really like puzzles

11. I don’t like living in the south but I’m happy I grew up here because we learn to be polite

12. I don’t sleep with a pillow, I sleep like babies do, but I love pillows and have a bunch

13. I had braces TWICE. If you’ve had brace you know how sad that is

14. I live in a place where at 12 PM on Saturdays they test tornado alarms so that’s always a part of my week

15. I have an uncle that I’ve never met before

16. I like the combination of sweet and salty to foods like pineapple on pizza or Chinese food

17. My favorite season is Spring and I feel like everyone’s favorite season is Summer because vacation or Winter because Christmas but mine is Spring because the weather is perfect (not this year) and it’s just beautiful (and it’s my birthday)

18. I hate driving. It’s my dream to Uber everywhere or have a driver

19. I love museums

20. I  love cartoons which is great for when I have kids

21. I seek happiness beyond anything and love life and traveling and dreaming and I can’t wait to see where this life takes me

Thank you so much for reading 🙂 Please check out more posts!


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