is anybody listening?

Hello blog. This is strange. Blogging feels foreign. I know you don't know or care about me and I know you probably haven't noticed my absence, but alas, I have been very absent. I have been wanting to get on here and write this for a while now, but it just has never felt like …

how to get perfect long natural nails

Hi everybody! Today I want to write about something very special to me, my nails. I have struggled with brittle, breaking nails for a long time, and I'm so happy to finally have them maintained to how I like them. It's so much easier for me to keep them natural and long instead of constantly …


Hi guys! Melange of Words tagged me in this tag and I thought it was so fun! I usually don't do tags but I love the questions she asked me. I tag all of you to do it and tag me! Here are the rules: Write a new blog post thanking the person who nominated you, a …


PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO MY YT CHANNEL Hi guys! It's truly been so long since I've posted about makeup, and I'm excited to get back into it! A while back, I made a post called UPDATED MAKEUP STORAGE all about my new makeup storage setup! I finally found the perfect way of organization for me. For years, …